First of all, I just want to say how much I love my mom and mother-in-law. They came over Saturday and worked their fingers to the bone cleaning out our nursery. You might think, cleaning out the nursery, what's the big deal about that? Well, our nursery was completely FULL of wedding gifts, my china, my old school books, Chad's work things, filing cabinets, etc,etc. It was so jam-packed that we could not even walk through it. Not to mention, they also helped me clean out my closets (an ordeal in itself) to make room for maternity clothes and take out all the too small clothes (or ones that will be this summer.) Since I am somewhat of a packrat, I find myself "cleaning out my closet" very frequently, but usually only end up with 2 0r 3 things that I am willing to part with. The presence of my mother helped tremendously with my packratness!
Also on their to do list was cleaning my bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, buying me lunch and dinner (yum...Colton's fried pickles) and who knows what else they did while I was "resting" on the couch for a bit. They are absolutely god-sends, and we feel so lucky to have such a wonderful, supportive pair of women in our lives!
So, with the nursery so empty, it made me antsy to get it ready for baby. So...yesterday, I ordered the furniture! I ended up going with the Morgan collection in espresso (dark wood), and now we are just waiting on it to arrive! It is all becoming so much more of a reality now, and we are counting down the months before he or she arrives!
One downside of the weekend...I got a ticket on Sunday crossing the bridge, so don't speed if you are in between West Memphis and the Memphis bridge. There is apparently one mile in that stretch where the speed limit is not 65, but 55, and the Arkansas State Police finds that it can meet their quota for tickets for the month there, but whatever....My apologies if you or one of your family members work for them. I'm just a little ticked about the whole incident.
If you are off on spring break this week, I am jealous, but hope you have a great week!