So much has happened this summer, and I happened to find these pictures tonight on Emily's facebook (thanks Em!) and It made me want to blog so I can remember the fun times we've been having! After all, it IS August :)

These pics are from the weekend we went to the lake with Blakely and Justin. It was Gavin's first lake trip, and Blake and Justin were SO sweet to invite us AND the munchkin. We were pretty nervous about it, but Gavin did GREAT...Seriously we couldn't have asked for a better child! It was soo much fun and we hope to have more fun lake time in the future! (Hint, hint, Nana.....these pictures should PROVE to you that you definitely need a lake house, look how happy this baby is! :)

The night before we went to the lake, I ran (let's say ran/walked, actually) my first 5k. It was an awful experience that I vowed to never do again. Just kidding! it was actually fun, and I was just proud to finish since I really hadn't exercised in over a month. Chad bought me this awesome jogging stroller for my birthday and mother's day, so I thought I would sign up for a 5k to motivate myself to start running. Well, the motivation hasn't hit me just quite yet, but maybe when the temps here in Arkansas fall below 100 degrees it will come....here are a few pics from the horrid event....

Dear Lord, please let this be over soon....

And After.....check out how RED my face is....

We also have gone to Mountain View with my family. Gavin LOVED the water and REALLY loved the rocks.
More pics of the summer to come soon....
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