Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
this summer part 1

So much has happened this summer, and I happened to find these pictures tonight on Emily's facebook (thanks Em!) and It made me want to blog so I can remember the fun times we've been having! After all, it IS August :)

These pics are from the weekend we went to the lake with Blakely and Justin. It was Gavin's first lake trip, and Blake and Justin were SO sweet to invite us AND the munchkin. We were pretty nervous about it, but Gavin did GREAT...Seriously we couldn't have asked for a better child! It was soo much fun and we hope to have more fun lake time in the future! (Hint, hint, Nana.....these pictures should PROVE to you that you definitely need a lake house, look how happy this baby is! :)

The night before we went to the lake, I ran (let's say ran/walked, actually) my first 5k. It was an awful experience that I vowed to never do again. Just kidding! it was actually fun, and I was just proud to finish since I really hadn't exercised in over a month. Chad bought me this awesome jogging stroller for my birthday and mother's day, so I thought I would sign up for a 5k to motivate myself to start running. Well, the motivation hasn't hit me just quite yet, but maybe when the temps here in Arkansas fall below 100 degrees it will are a few pics from the horrid event....

Dear Lord, please let this be over soon....

And After.....check out how RED my face is....

We also have gone to Mountain View with my family. Gavin LOVED the water and REALLY loved the rocks.
More pics of the summer to come soon....
Saturday, July 24, 2010
11 Months Old!
Well it's been awhile! I vow once again to try to do better at blogging. I am currently obsessed with reading other blogs of families with babies about Gav's age, and it has really been making me wish that I would've recorded in detail as much as they did. But I didn't, so it's ok. We did record occasional things in the baby book and the grandma's did a pretty great job at photo shoots at every opportunity, so I guess I'm off the bad blogger hook for now. But I definitely would like to do better if for nothing else, to be able to look back and remember these sweet moments with Gav!
So here goes, my first official "month" post! (just a few months late :)
Gavin, what are you doing at 11 months?
Well, you weigh almost 23 pounds and are quite a little chunk! Your big "ham hocks" (aka) legs :) are ginormous! You have been walking for about 3 weeks now and are practically running through the house, yard, stores, anywhere we go. Things are about to get interesting I'm afraid!
On the subject of sleeping, you have finally had a breakthrough. Actually, it ccured at about 9 1/2 months, but we are just now getting to the point where we can say you "sleep through the night" without finding a piece of wood to knock on....It has been wonderful to sleep at night but I honestly feel exactly the same during the day as I did when I was waking up with you every two hours. It's funny how our bodies adjust, isn't it?
Eating-I weaned you at 10 1/2 months. I never dreamed that I would nurse you that long, but now that you're weaned, I miss our sweet time together. You now take 3-4 8 oz bottles every day. We are working on the sippy cup...
I made your baby food from about 4 months until you were 9 months. It was a great experience and I really enjoyed making healthy food for you! Now, you eat everything! Your favorite things are macaroni and cheese and spaghetti. This past week you have become obsessed with feeding Addison instead of eating your food. It's really cute, but we might have a problem if this continues!
Teeth-you finally got two teeth this month and we think a 3rd is soon to come. I was secretly pleased that they held out as long as they did, I just love toothless grins!
Diaper changes and putting on clothes is a disaster. You scream, flail ham hocks, kick me, flip, run away, etc, etc, etc. I am at a loss for what to do except bribing you with my Iphone. Luckily, I've gotten pretty good at quick changes and we are only
on our 2nd Iphone :)
You are still in the baby room at the daycare and LOVE your teachers and friends. It is so stinkin cute each morning because as soon as we pull up to the center you get soo excited and clap your hands. You are never sad when I leave either. It makes me sad that you will be moving up soon to a different class and new teachers, but I know you will do great.
I love how curious you are about everything and how everyday is a new adventure with you. You are growing so fast and we love you more and more each day, sweet boy!
Friday, November 6, 2009
we love fall!
We love fall around our house. For some reason, it has just always been one of my favorite seasons. Cool football nights, the smell of cotton being picked, and beautiful mums and pumpkins just make me happy! We decided to take pictures of Gavin in this Ginormous pumpkin my mom bought. She was so excited about getting a good deal on it at the local greenhouse. My dad quickly burst her bubble by telling her it was hands down, the ugliest pumpkin EVER and that's why it was so cheap. We didn't care, and Gavin didn't really know what to think about any of it.
My mom took these pictures below two weeks ago when he stayed the night with them (first night away from me). It was all a big ordeal, I went home from work with a fever and thought I had swine flu...I didn't, but didn't want my child to get it so he went away for the night. Very traumatizing for a new mom, but I got some much needed rest and was COMPLETELY healed by the next morning. It's amazing what sleep will do for a tired soul!
Friday, October 30, 2009
I don't think I'm meant to be a blogger. I still have trouble posting, putting pictures in my blog, and getting the header to look right. What is wrong with me?! I know some of you may find blogging really fun, but it is really stressful to me, which is probably why I've only had 10 posts total....
Gavin is doing great! He is 10 weeks old today, and a little monster! Still not sleeping that great, but our pediatrician told us to start a bedtime routine, we did, and he has started sleeping at least 3 or 4 hours at a time after we do this. The problem is that he wakes up at 12:30, 2:00, and 4:00 to eat still. Yikes. Any suggestions for a weary mom??
We got some great fall pictures at my mom's, which I will post once she makes me a CD.
Halloween is tomorrow, and the costume selection is up in the air still. He will either be a monkey or a scarecrow. I don't know about you all, but I don't typically get all into Halloween. My dad so nicely pointed out that I will just look like I am begging for candy since Gavin does not have teeth yet. Sad to say but I'm kindof ok with that..........
Here is a TERRIBLE picture of me and Chad last Halloween

Isn't that just AWFUL???!! The label on the Adam and Eve costume said "one size fits most" HA!! Fun times. It is amazing how much how changed in one year!!
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