Since I have taken alot of pictures since the last time I had a camera cord, I will post a few with each post and tell about them....I love pictures!
Some of the pictures below are from my dear friend Ellen's shower last weekend. Our friends Kristi and Anna are fabulous and did all the cute decorations by themselves!
This past weekend was great, except for me being sick for the first day or so. I am feeling much better now, thank goodness! We spent Easter yesterday going to church and then to my parents for a dinner/70th birthday party for my papaw. I was going to try and be a domestic goddess and cook a little since I am a grown up now and will have a child soon. So I woke up bright and early on Sunday to begin making a spinach casserole, hasbrown casserole, and a jam cake. The spinach casserole is a dish that my sister-in-law makes and is absolutely wonderful, but it did not taste the same when I made it. I even witnessed a family member make a terrible face after taking the first bite....Sad day for the home team on that one. Oh well. The hashbrown casserole was yummy though, so I was 1 for 1 at this point. Now about the jam cake....first of all let me preface this story by saying that I am NOT a baker. I always have trouble baking, no matter what I do. So I was thumbing through recipes on Saturday and decided that I would make Ms. Janice Henderson's (our dear friend that passed away in August) jam cake. Since it only had a few ingredients, I figured, oh this should be a piece of cake (no pun intended...). So on Sunday morning, I got up bright and early to start cooking. I decided to start with the cake, knowing my track record with baking. The first red flag should have gone up when I read that I was to be using a bundt pan. For some reason, me and bundt cakes of any kind have never gotten along. I dont know why, but I have NEVER successfully made a bundt cake. I'm not kidding at all. I remember at least three instances in the past year where the cake has fallen completely apart, I have left out ingredients, and dropped half on the floor. BUT, I was feeling very optimistic yesterday morning thinking that things might be different.....So I bake the cake. It's smelling fabulous by the time I take it out of the oven and I'm thinking my luck might be changing. Next step-call my mom (as I do everytime I make a bundt cake) to get specific directions on flipping it over, etc. By the time my husband gets up and comes into the kitchen, I have successfully flipped my cake over and it is COMPLETELY intact! Woohoo for me! He walks in and our conversation goes like this: Chad: "Wow, babe, the cake looks great. You've really been busy this morning." Me-"thanks, yeah I've been up for awhile." Chad-"did you make it from scratch? Why is it so small?" Me-"Well, It was only a few ingredients" Then I proceed to pick up the recipe card to read off the ingredients. Only to realize I had left out a whole cup of water. Hence the cake being a mini-me and extra dry version of itself...So the bundt cake won again. Maybe next Easter.....
Hope everyone is having a great Monday so far.....