We love fall around our house. For some reason, it has just always been one of my favorite seasons. Cool football nights, the smell of cotton being picked, and beautiful mums and pumpkins just make me happy! We decided to take pictures of Gavin in this Ginormous pumpkin my mom bought. She was so excited about getting a good deal on it at the local greenhouse. My dad quickly burst her bubble by telling her it was hands down, the ugliest pumpkin EVER and that's why it was so cheap. We didn't care, and Gavin didn't really know what to think about any of it.
My mom took these pictures below two weeks ago when he stayed the night with them (first night away from me). It was all a big ordeal, I went home from work with a fever and thought I had swine flu...I didn't, but didn't want my child to get it so he went away for the night. Very traumatizing for a new mom, but I got some much needed rest and was COMPLETELY healed by the next morning. It's amazing what sleep will do for a tired soul!