I don't think I'm meant to be a blogger. I still have trouble posting, putting pictures in my blog, and getting the header to look right. What is wrong with me?! I know some of you may find blogging really fun, but it is really stressful to me, which is probably why I've only had 10 posts total....
Gavin is doing great! He is 10 weeks old today, and a little monster! Still not sleeping that great, but our pediatrician told us to start a bedtime routine, we did, and he has started sleeping at least 3 or 4 hours at a time after we do this. The problem is that he wakes up at 12:30, 2:00, and 4:00 to eat still. Yikes. Any suggestions for a weary mom??
We got some great fall pictures at my mom's, which I will post once she makes me a CD.
Halloween is tomorrow, and the costume selection is up in the air still. He will either be a monkey or a scarecrow. I don't know about you all, but I don't typically get all into Halloween. My dad so nicely pointed out that I will just look like I am begging for candy since Gavin does not have teeth yet. Sad to say but I'm kindof ok with that..........
Here is a TERRIBLE picture of me and Chad last Halloween

Isn't that just AWFUL???!! The label on the Adam and Eve costume said "one size fits most" HA!! Fun times. It is amazing how much how changed in one year!!